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Water, Sanitation and Infrastructure

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, is a crucial area of focus for us. WASH programs aim to improve access to clean water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities in communities that lack these basic necessities, particularly in low-income and marginalized communities.

One of our primary objectives in WASH is to improve access to clean water. We work with communities to build or improve water infrastructure, such as wells, boreholes, and piped water systems.

We  also focus on improving sanitation in communities, particularly in areas where open defecation is common. This can involve the construction of latrines or other sanitation facilities, as well as hygiene education programs to encourage safe and hygienic sanitation practices.

We  provide education on proper handwashing techniques, menstrual hygiene, and other hygiene practices that can help prevent the spread of disease and promote overall health and wellbeing.

In addition to direct service provision, we  also work to build the capacity of communities and local governments to manage WASH programs effectively. This can involve training on water management, sanitation and hygiene promotion, and other technical skills necessary for effective WASH program implementation.


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